Hyperactive Children
30 April, 2024

Childcare in Bedfordale: Managing Hyperactive Children

Managing Hyperactive Children: If you have a hyperactive child, you may be concerned about finding childcare. Bedfordale fortunately has providers who may be able to assist.

Childcare Bedfordale: What is hyperactivity?

Younger children typically are full of energy, which they’ll often burn very rapidly in short bursts of intense activity. Exhaustion rapidly follows and a snooze or break is required for them to recharge their batteries, ready for their next exploits.

During those periods of activity, it can be difficult for adults to grasp just how active a child seems to be – but also how perfectly normal such intense bursts of energy are. It takes some time, possibly years, for children to learn how to effectively ‘pace themselves’ by burning energy in a more controlled and therefore sustainable fashion.

That can mean that adults too quickly conclude that a child is hyperactive whereas the reality is that the child’s behaviour is perfectly normal for their age.

Hyperactivity is real though

There are a range of disorders and behaviours generally described as ‘hyperactivity’.

It’s very important to understand that very large numbers of children suffer from this condition and contrary to some misconceptions, it does not exclusively involve children charging around in an uncontrolled fashion. More commonly, the symptoms are fidgeting, difficulty in learning to control their impulses, climbing and running around when not appropriate, talking/shouting etc and an inability to sustain concentrated attention on a given thing for any period.

In the vast majority of cases, these tendencies tend to be short-lived and resolve spontaneously. However, some may not do so and may require medical assessment and diagnosis.

Some children experiencing these symptoms may subsequently be diagnosed as suffering from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This condition indicates that a child’s hyperactivity may be due to a longer-term condition that might require treatment.

What is ADHD?

Unfortunately, the causes of this condition are not understood. Medical science speculates that it might be due to genetics, difficulties in the womb or possibly environmental issues.

It is more common in boys than girls though strangely, the sexes tend to demonstrate different general symptoms. Boys will be more inclined to show uncontrolled behaviour whereas girls will show a lack of interest and disengagement.

There is currently no cure though some medications are effective in controlling symptoms and various activity therapies are also helpful in assisting children to control this condition.

Symptoms can be seen and diagnosis can be sometimes made, as early as the age of 3. However, it may also arise in later schooling

It is generally accepted that the condition will be lifelong, although it can often be controlled.

How early learning centres cope – Managing Hyperactive Children

Experienced professionals will have seen many excitable children before and will have some fun and caring methods for managing them. It is rarely a problem.

If a child is struggling to control themselves or is disengaging from the class on an ongoing basis, the centre will discuss the matter with parents and offer some advice and guidance, which would normally relate to the need to discuss the matter with a doctor.

Please note though that to repeat, hyperactivity is NOT necessarily the same thing as ADHD. Only a medical professional could diagnose ADHD and in the majority of cases where hyperactive children are involved, this will be ‘business as usual’ for an early learning centre!

If you’d like to know more, why not call us for an appointment to come down for a chat? We’d love to see you!


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