Childcare in Bedfordale
14 April, 2024

Early Learning Childcare in Bedfordale : Fostering Multi-Lingual Children

Childcare in Bedfordale: For early learning childcare, Bedfordale and surrounding areas are fortunately well-equipped to provide first-class options.

However, language can be a concern for some parents, particularly so if their child is not a native English speaker.

Here we’ll examine the issues and provide some reassurance!

Bedfordale and Multi-Lingual Children (Childcare in Bedfordale)

There is a wide consensus amongst education professionals that being truly multi-lingual, as opposed to just having a general knowledge of another language, can be a huge advantage for students. It can make children see a subject from several different perspectives and there is evidence that multilingualism aids in the identification of innovative approaches to things such as problem solving.

Yet in the first years of a child’s early engagement in education, perhaps through an Early Learning Centre Childcare in Bedfordale, if a child exclusively speaks a language which is not that of the classes and their classmates, then inevitably some issues may arise. Fortunately, these are rarely a significant problem and with an appropriate approach from the centre and parental help, any issues are usually quickly resolved.

Effects on the child

A child who speaks one language at home but who suddenly finds themselves in an environment where they’re not understood and where they can’t understand those around them may quite understandably be a little uneasy at first.

The good news is that this is usually very short-lived. Young children communicate with each other in many different ways such as through body language, pointing, laughing and gameplay. Even children who initially cannot speak the host language will typically very quickly settle in even without much if any external support.

It’s important though that the environment generates support for the child plus a feeling of confidence and assurance.

Learning the language

Even experienced linguists will express their awe at the speed with which young children will spontaneously learn another language. The psychological processes behind this are not well understood, nor is it clear why this ability typically declines with age as children progress towards and through puberty.
The encouraging thing about this is that there is very little to worry about. Young children will amazingly quickly pick up the basics of the language and apply it both to their speaking in class and things such as early reading.

The roles of the Early Learning Centre and Parents

Of course, no reputable Early Learning Centre,  Childcare in Bedfordale or elsewhere, will simply leave a child to their own devices in the hope that they pick the language up spontaneously! There are established techniques that will be applied to help children learn quickly and in a fun context.

Parents do have a role to play too. Whatever the family’s main language in the home is, at times, it will be beneficial to help the child practice their new language. That might be when in the shops or perhaps out having a treat in a shop. Surprisingly quickly, the child will demonstrate their new-found linguistic skills with proud fluency.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help children who have not yet obtained a working knowledge of English, why not make an appointment to visit us for a look around and a discussion of our techniques that can assist Childcare in Bedfordale?

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